How to Measure Antique | norwalkmattress
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Measuring  Antique or Odd Size Beds

How to Measure a Box Spring

Normally, the box-spring fits in between the side rails of the bed. Using the arrows shown on the left, take 3 measurements inside the side rails. You do this because wooden beds can warp and change shape. You use the smallest measurement, then subtract 1 inch.

If the box-spring is supported by angle irons, and the angle iron protrudes out, beyond the inside of the side rails, you measure from the inside of each set of angle irons to get the correct measurement. You use the smallest measurement, then subtract 1 inch.


To measure the length of the box-spring, you measure the length of both side rails. Then take the shortest measurement and subtract 1 inch.


To measure for the height of the box-spring:

Normally, the top of the box-spring is equal to or level to the top of the side rails. If the box-spring is supported by slats, measure from the surface of the slat to the top of the side rail and add 1/2 inch. If the box-spring is supported by angle irons measure from the top of the lowest angle iron to the top of the side rail and add 1/2 inch. The reason you add 1/2 inch to the height is because the box-spring will compress and settle in time.


Measuring the Mattress

If you want the mattress to finish the same size as the box-spring in width and length, then go no further.


Most people like the idea of having the mattress sit on top of the side rails because it gives them more sleeping surface and it finishes evenly

to the edge of the wooden side rail and foot rail. In this case, measure from the inside of the headboard post to the outer edge of the foot rail. Subtract 1 inch. This will give you extra length. Next, measure from the outer edge of one side rail to the other side rails outer edge, for the extra width. If you do the above, the corners of the mattress must be cut out.


To measure for cut corners:

Measure from the outer edge of the side rail to the inner edge of the post. Then measure from the outer edge of the foot rail to the inner edge of the post. Then you ADD 1 inch. Example: If the measurement was 4" x 4" the finish cut would be 5" x 5".


When taking the measurement of any odd size bed, it is ALWAYS better if the box-spring and mattress are a little bit smaller than to be a little bit too big. A little bit too big WILL NOT fit! You have to also consider your linen, and the ease of making up the bed.

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